Other OHS Sites

If you have a website that you would like listed here, email me the particulars via the "Registration" page.

George ACORD ('60) His familiy business: Susquehanna Fishing Tackle www.sfttackle.com 
Jack ARNOLD (68) The original OHS website www.orleanstrojans.com 
His consulting business on doing business with GSA www.gssi.com
John BAGLEY (62) His commercial photography business www.bagleyphoto.com 
Terry BALL ('66) His polygraph service www.lie2me.net 
Eileen BARR James (62) Her real estate business www.har.com/eileenmjames 
Luther BARTH (66) His real estate business www.loubarth.com 
Mike BRADY (66) His art website www.unc.edu/~jbrady/index.html 
Marc CHABOT (62) His scrapbooking support business www.scrapbooks-plus.com 
Chuck DANNIS ('67) Real Estate Valuation & Consultation Firm www.crossondannis.com 
Carol DARLING ('63) Her animal photography business www.cdarlinganimalart.net
Sharon DE LA CRUZ (71) Affordable website designs, fine art, quilts, cards & unique gifts www.mycreativemoments.com 
Evi DELLAGHELFA Paolillo (66) Her real estate business  www.evelinyouragent.com 
Wilfred "Buddy" DEPAOLA (59) His artwork showcase www.artbydepaola.com 
Tony DIAZ (66) His travel website www.adventurebegins.net
Peter DONNELL ('59) Vietnam Memorial Webpage http://www.vvmf.org//index.cfm?SectionID=110&Wall_Id_No=13633.0
Yvonne FREDERICK (66)
Glitz and Glitter Boutique www.glitzandglitterboutique.com 
Lee GOOLEY (65) Monterey Peninsula Realtor www.leemartin.com 
MIKE GIESE (70) His nursery business www.sunshinenursery.tc 
MIKE GIESE (70) His French car blogspot www.mikegiese.wordpress.com 
Kathy GREGG (69) Her consignment business for children's toys and clothing www.danisduds.com
Andrea GRIFFITH (66) Her wildflower seed business www.flowersoul.com 
Charles HACKWORTH ('58) His imaging solutions business www.hackworthrepro.com 
Stephen HENRICKSON (71) Personal website http://home.attbi.com/~steviegcp3o/ 
Don HOLSTROM (66) Family website www.holstrom.com 
Susie HUBER Lowry (62) Insurance/Claim Services website www.lowryco.com 
Charles Wayne HUMBLE (65) His business of manufacturing voice identification and voice stress analyzer equipment for law-enforcement and military use. www.cvsa1.com
Charles Wayne HUMBLE (65) Personal website www.charleshumble.com 
Charles Wayne HUMBLE (65) His music website www.reverbnation.com/charleshumble
Mike KATZ (65) His music business www.maemusic.com
Jack KING (68) An Orleans Memorabilia website www.joanyonthepony.com 
Gary KNOTT (58) Civilized Software, developers of MLAB www.civilized.com 
Carol KRUEGER Holben ('59) A website she has created for her town of Southport, North Carolina www.southportnc.com 
Mark LONDNER ('65) His home inspection business www.lbihome.com 
Mike MAGNAN (62) His design business  www.n8marketing.com
Stan MAGNAN (66) His lighting design and artistic creations www.magnanpayne.com 



Manny MARTINEZ ('70) His professional golf business www.mannymartinezgolf.com 
Victoria MORRIS Ekelund ('72) Her fine arts creations www.victoriaekelund.com
Hugh MULLIKEN (62) Bed and Breakfast www.lodgingsatpioneerlane.com
Beverly PEGEE Miller (66) Her real estate business www.beverlymillerhomes.com 
Randy "Buddy" Powell (70) His professional website www.buddypowell.com 
Chuck RALSTON (62) Family page www.geocities.com/chuck_ralston/index.htm
Russ RALSTON (65) Personal website www.brcc.edu/ralston 
Carolyn ROBINSON (57) Family page www.astrodenny.homestead.com/carolyns.html 
Dr. E. Lee SPENCE (66) His professional biography www.shipwrecks.com/about-spence
Babette STAFFORD (67) Journal of her year in France as a Fulbright Exchange Teacher www.livejournal.com/users/babs7722


Gregg STEINWAND (63) Family website www.umpquavalleytennis.com/gls/
Jon STREETER (60) His photography website www.jonstreeter.com 
Jim TARKENTON ('60) Vietnam Memorial webpages
Jamie TOMPKINS ('61) His art gallery www.mainstreetgalleryarts.org 
Charles TOWNSEND ('64) Business website www.tubeprojects.com
John TUDDER (69) His music website www.home.earthlink.net/~tudderj 
Lynn TYLER ('62) Her "Pearls of Wisdom" website www.lynntyler.com 
Mike URICH ('70) His amateur radio website http://ka5cvh.com 
Frank VAVRIN ('64) Vietnam Memorial webpage  http://www.vvmf.org//index.cfm?SectionID=110&Wall_Id_No=53537.0
Ursula VIERA (59) Her stained glass business www.sonshineshop.com
Abel WHITE ('61) Personal websites http://whiteoakranchtx.com/default.aspx
Shirley WILLIAMS (67) Family page http://jumi-shirley.com
Annette WISEMAN (67) Her art gallery www.anniadkins.com
Another art gallery www.ahhaartgallery.com
Her business site www.howtoinvestigate.com
Her professional investigator's course www.secretsoftopprivateeyes.com
Her people finder business www.ahhapeoplefinder.com
Cori Wright ('62) Her poems
Her Avon business